Lead Beagle

Lead Generation Tools for Google Sheets

Easily find Linkedin profiles in bulk with this add-on to generate and enrich leads straight from your Google Sheets. No LinkedIn account or cookie needed.


Keywords LinkedIn profiles

Search LinkedIn profiles by keywords

Example use case: Find Engineers #OpenToWork

Names LinkedIn profiles

Find people on LinkedIn by name

Example use case: get Linkedin profiles of Web Summit 2024 participants to connect with them in advance. Or find LinkedIn profiles of your newsletter subscribers

Companies LinkedIn profiles

Search people by company and position. Find LinkedIn profiles of the employees of a given company

Example use case: Find all founders, CFOs and CTOs of your listed competitors


Real-time, bulk search

Search for hundreds of leads in real time. The data pulled in real time and is as accurate as it is the person's LinkedIn profile.


Risk-free and anonymous

Unlike other tools, Lead Beagle doesn’t ask for Linkedin credentials or cookies, so there is no risk of getting your account blocked.


No technical skills needed

Search straight from your Google Sheets. We won't ask you for any cookies, sharing your spreadsheet, or uploading CSV files.

What our users say

Lead Beagle has earned an outstanding ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4.8+) rating in the Google Workspace Marketplace and lots of positive reviews. Here are few examples:

A great tool when you need new leads sourced in a pinch. It is a reliable alternative to some of the more popular tools that perform similar functions.
The greatest LinkedIn lead generator I have used so far!!!
What a great find - love this tool - saved me hours and hours.
Fastest result ever! Concise and accurate, glad to have this extension for LinkedIn leads. More contacts to go!

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